Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EAfA membership and pledges

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a multi-stakeholder initiative steered by the European Commission. The originator of the pledge is solely responsible for implementing the actions outlined in the pledge.

EFFAT and HOTREC joint pledge

logo Pledge
Organisation name:EFFAT + HOTREC
Type of organisation: Trade union (social partner)
Organisation operations:Agri-Food, Tourism
Start date:01/01/2016
Contact person(s):Mrs. Virginie Demoucron
Website:www.effat.org; www.hotrec.eu
Full pledge:Click here to download

Description of the Organisation:
The European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture, and Tourism sectors and allied branches (EFFAT/IUF-Europe) is an umbrella organisation representing 116 national trade unions from 37 European countries. As an umbrella organisation, EFFAT defends the interests of more than 25 million workers with respect to the European Institutions, European industrial federations, and enterprise management. HOTREC is the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafés and similar establishments in Europe. It brings together 47 national associations in 36 European countries and serves as the voice of the European hospitality industry. HOTREC’s mission is to represent and champion the industry’s interests towards the EU and international institutions, foster knowledge sharing and best practices among its members to promote innovation and serve as an expert platform for the hospitality sector.

Join the Alliance!
Do you feel inspired to join the Alliance? Complete the pledge application form and return it to empl-eafa@ec.europa.eu.

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