Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 26/11/2020

Webinar: The role of employer organisations in apprenticeships

On 25 November, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) held a webinar to discuss the role of employer organisations in developing and promoting apprenticeships.

More than 70 stakeholders joined a lively discussion on how employer organisations can improve and promote apprenticeships on both national and local level, and how this looks in practice.

The webinar kicked off with a welcome from Chiara Riondino from the European Commission, who highlighted the importance of social partners for apprenticeships and their valuable contribution to the EAfA network. Later, Robert Plummer from BusinessEurope and Liliane Volozinskis from SMEUnited provided an overview of the work of their organisations, including their networks and activities. Furthermore, national employer organisations from Denmark, France, Germany and Latvia presented their initiatives to foster and promote apprenticeships. Attendees also had the opportunity to see examples of how social partners can be involved in different stages of apprenticeships.

The recording of the event is available here.

You can also download the presentation slides from the ‘Related documents’ section below:

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