Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 24/09/2020

Webinar for Candidate Countries: Key developments on work-based learning since the Riga summit

The webinar was hosted in conjunction with the European Training Foundation (ETF). The session discussed policy developments in apprenticeships and work-based learning in EU Candidate Countries.

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At the Riga Summit in June 2015, EU Member States, EU Candidate Countries, the European Social Partners and the European Commission committed to a set of medium-term deliverables (MTD) between 2015 and 2020.

The first of these commitments centred on work-based learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET), which highlights the importance of apprenticeships. All of the EU Candidate Countries chose work-based learning as a priority MTD for ETF support.

Representatives from the Candidate Countries highlighted the key achievements in implementing work-based learning in their respective countries over the last five years. These countries were Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.

These achievements included reforms and new regulations on work-based learning, the development of dual education and the joint role of schools and companies in work-based learning. Representatives from Candidate Countries explained the training programmes in place before students go into a company, which ensures the students are better prepared to enter the workplace. Countries have also introduced accreditation for companies to improve the quality of work-based learning (WBL).

A representative of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum reiterated the importance of cooperation and dialogue in public-private partnerships in WBL, and underlined that more awareness was needed regarding VET opportunities in the business community and among young people and their parents.

The session closed by taking a look into the future of work-based learning and apprenticeships in Europe. This covered aspects such as the ‘new normal’, the increasing need to upskill and reskill. The part of the session discussed the adaptability of VET, the EU Skills Agenda and what VET excellence looks like.

Watch a recording of the event here.

You can also download the event report from the Related Documents section below.

Translated versions of the event report can be downloaded here and are available in the languages of the five candidate countries.

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