Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 30/09/2020

The impact of COVID-19 on apprenticeships: The role of regions and cities

On 29 September, high-level speakers gathered to discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on the delivery of apprenticeships in Europe and the role played by regional and local authorities in facing the challenges brought by the pandemics.

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The event was organised by the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and the Committee of the Regions, with support from:

  • The Germany Presidency
  • The European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL)
  • The Basque Government
  • Cities4Apprenticeships

COVID-19 has seriously disrupted standard education and training activities, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) across Europe. This has been particularly affected by the fact that practical training such as work-based learning and apprenticeships have been suspended in most sectors.

Moderated by Sandra Parthie from the German Economic Institute, five speakers shared their experience and view on how regional and local authorities can support apprenticeships:

  • “Effects of digitalisation on Vocational Education and Training” with Petra Jendrich, Head of Department ‘Vocational Schools and Securing the Supply of Skilled Workers’, Ministry for Education of Rhineland-Palatinate

  • “City’s response and forward planning” with Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome

  • “Regional dimension and ecosystem: Lesson learned” with Ricardo Lamadrid, Director of Technology and Advanced Training, Department for Education, Basque Government

  • “Mobilizing local and regional Authorities: The role of the renewed EAfA” by Chiara Riondino, Head of Unit ‘VET, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning’, DG EMPL, European Commission

  • “Skills agenda for sustainable competitiveness” by Csaba Borboly, Member of the European Committee of the Regions (RO/EPP)

This was followed by a Q&A session that touched upon how recent EU policy measures can support the future development of apprenticeships and help boost economic recovery.

View the recording here.

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