Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 23/09/2020

Webinar: Role of Chambers in fostering apprenticeships in Europe

The tenth European Alliance for Apprenticeships webinar was held on 23 September. The webinar discussed the role of Chambers in promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to run apprenticeship schemes.

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The webinar also discussed the other services that Chambers can provide, including managing the apprenticeship system.

The four speakers explained the structures and initiatives already in place for Chambers to promote and foster apprenticeships.

Following an introduction and overview of the role of Chambers, the webinar covered the role of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and how the Chamber supports the dual VET system.

This was followed by presentations on the Austrian Economic Chamber and the role of Eurochambres in Hungary.

Throughout the session, speakers highlighted how important the cooperation of business and education is to make apprenticeships an attractive proposition.

The speakers included:

  • Adam Gajek, a policy advisor at Eurochambres, where he coordinates the work of the Skills and Entrepreneurship
  • Csaba Ferencz, a coordinator for dual VET and international VET affairs at the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI)
  • Melina Schneider, the head of the ‘Educational Policy Department’ at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna
  • Iris Hoffelt, an I-VET advisor for the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (CC)

Watch a recording of the event here.

Download the event report from the related documents section below.

If you would like to know more about the role of social partners, you can also check the webinar on the role of trade unions.

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