Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 26/06/2020

New European Network of Cities4Apprenticeships Launches in Rome

On 11 June 2020, stakeholders from 14 European cities met online to launch the new European Network of Cities4Apprenticeships.

© European Commission

The Network of Cities4Apprenticeships will be led by the Metropolitan City of Rome, with support from the European Commission within the framework of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA).

The introductory meeting discussed the organisers’ goals and aspirations of the Network, with attendees sharing their ideas to help shape the Network and its activities.

One of the primary goals of the network will be to raise awareness of the potential that cities have to support apprenticeships. Ultimately, through the network, cities will be able to learn from each other, collaborate, develop tools, share good practices and provide and receive technical and policy assistance.

Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome said: “This initiative aims to promote and strengthen the role of cities and metropolitan authorities in supporting work-based learning and their commitment to reaching the objectives of the Alliance”.

Following the meeting, the aims and objectives of the Network were confirmed as:

  • Involving and activating stakeholders in innovative and/or high social impact actions at local level;
  • Strengthening the policies and interventions of metropolitan cities creating a link between active labour policies and sustainable development in the territory;
  • Encouraging development of ‘green skills’ as well as digital skills in apprenticeships;
  • Developing and implementing redevelopment courses capable of responding to often very rapid job-market changes, with a view to improving working and social life;
  • Supporting training as a driver for innovation and sustainable and fair urban development.

The next steps of the Network were unveiled by Maria Fabiani, Advisor of the Metropolitan City of Rome. She announced that the first step will be to create working groups that will allow members to come together and work on projects including Green skills, Digital Skills, non-financial measures to support apprenticeships and how to enhance cooperation between cities.

Progress of these steps will be presented at the next meeting of the Network, planned in the autumn 2020.

Download the event report for more details and find the speech given by the Mayor of Metropolitan City of Rome.

The Network is open to cities which currently are looking to foster apprenticeships. Cities that wish to be involved in the work of the network can join as observers or supporters. To request to join the network, participate in the working groups or for any other information, please contact the Cities4Apprenticeship Secretariat cities4appren@cittametropolitanaroma.it

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