Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 13/12/2021

The Alliance publishes its 2022 Action Plan

We are happy to announce that the 2022 Action Plan of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) has been published.

An illustration of the European Commission building in Belgium with an EU flag flying and a blue background.

Building on the many activities implemented in 2021, the 2022 Action Plan defines the EAfA approach to follow through on the six priorities established in 2020:

  • Priority 1: Committing to quality and effective apprenticeships, and encouraging Member States and companies to do likewise, by fostering national apprenticeship coalitions
  • Priority 2: Incentivising support to small and medium-sized enterprises in providing a stable supply of quality and effective apprenticeships
  • Priority 3: Mobilising local and regional authorities as catalysts for apprenticeships within the local business environment
  • Priority 4: Strengthening social dialogue through a more active involvement of national social partner organisations
  • Priority 5: Proactively engaging European sectoral social dialogue committees in apprenticeships, with a view to agree on joint sectoral pledges
  • Priority 6: Supporting the representation of apprentices in Member States by relaunching the European Apprentices Network

The plan provides an overview of the activities conducted in 2021 and sketches the main upcoming novelties. It also outlines the concrete steps EAfA will take to foster apprenticeships in collaboration with all key stakeholders. Finally, the plan includes the calendar of all EAfA activities planned for 2022.

The plan was developed based on feedback from EAfA members, which we collected through the EAfA Monitoring Survey, and in collaboration with EU stakeholders representing the diverse EAfA network.

You can download the calendar from the EAfA Activities Hub.

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