Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 28/05/2020

Webinar: Career guidance and awareness raising on apprenticeships as the first choice

The ninth EAfA webinar on 28 May 2020 explored the idea of apprenticeships as a first choice and how they can be facilitated through career and lifelong guidance.

© Mirzavisoko/Shutterstock.com

In order to effectively expediate the delivery of apprenticeships, it is important to have an awareness of the various delivery models and approaches that are available, and to understand the policies and frameworks that are in place to support their promotion.

Together, Andrew McCoshan and Paul Guest shared insights on the different guidance delivery models and approaches and identified relevant European policies and frameworks that can be accessed to facilitate apprenticeships. Cynthia Harrison from Cedefop also provided insights into recent developments in career and lifelong guidance provision in view of COVID-19.

During this session, participants were also informed of the latest policy priorities and frameworks, as well as the different models of career and lifelong guidance. Attendees were then presented with practical examples of how apprenticeships are promoted as a first choice to those involved in making future career choices.

The webinar was well attended, with approximately 200 registrations. If you were unable to attend on this occasion, you can watch the recording and download the presentation slides:

Download the presentation from the webinar

Watch a recording of the webinar

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