Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 15/01/2024

EAfA Member Spotlight: Hotelschool Ter Duinen

There is plenty to gain by becoming a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) and making a pledge! The EAfA Member Spotlight is a series of interview articles that highlight the hard work of Alliance members and how their pledges contribute to supporting quality and effective apprenticeships.

We interviewed Bart Denys who is a VET teacher at Hotelschool Ter Duinen, an institution dedicated to giving high-quality apprenticeships in the hospitality sector. We asked Bart to tell us why Hotelschool Ter Duinen became a member of EAfA, what the aims of their EAfA pledge are and how the Alliance has helped the school to offer better apprenticeship services. 

How did you first hear about EAfA and why did you decide to submit a pledge? 

Interestingly, I first heard about EAfA when speaking with colleagues from the European Commission at an event in Flanders. I was discussing Hotelschool Ter Duinen with the Commission colleagues, who then mentioned the Alliance. 

After researching more about EAfA, it seemed natural for us to submit a pledge. For us, we felt that the Alliance was written for our school and our commitment to quality apprenticeships. 

Can you provide a short overview of your pledge and which EAfA objectives it relates to? 

Our pledge aims to increase the supply and quality of apprenticeships, offering students the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice in the real business world. Every student must complete their apprenticeship in order to graduate, both at home and abroad. Apprenticeships are a key part of Hotelschool Ter Duinen, with students following six-week or two-month training programmes (depending on their year) and having the opportunity to test their skills abroad. 

We also aim to increase the quality of apprenticeships by continuously updating our programmes to respond to the new trends in the catering sector and promoting our vision of (inter)cultural openness and social responsibility, whereby we prepare students not only to be professionals, but people who have respect, tolerance and empathy. 

In 2022, 260 students took part in an apprenticeship, which is much more than provided for in our pledge. This year we expect 288 students to take part in an apprenticeship. 

Since submitting a pledge, what EAfA-organised activities has Hotelschool Ter Duinen undertaken to achieve the EAfA objectives in their pledge? 

It has been a great honour for me and the school to share our skills and experience with fellow EAfA members, especially during the European Year of Skills. It’s also been a pleasure to be part of the EAfA Champions initiative and help spread the word on EAfA membership and its benefits. 

Can you describe what type of apprenticeships Hotelschool Ter Duinen offers? 

The school offers two vocational pathways at secondary education level: one focusing on restaurants and kitchens, and one focusing on hotels, with both combining theory and practice. The school also has a one-year course in hotel management and offers specialisations in gastronomy, knowledge of wines and beverages, and customer-oriented hospitality. 

Apprenticeships are organised for fourth- and fifth-year students, for six weeks and eight weeks respectively. They complete an apprenticeship in catering or hospitality, which is compulsory and part of their qualification. Students can complete their apprenticeship in a range of restaurants or hotels. For example, this could range from a classic restaurant to a three-Michelin-star restaurant. 

What is the most important benefit offered by EAfA to your organisation and why? 

The important benefit for me are the strong contacts I’ve made through networking in the Alliance. I’ve made important contacts who share knowledge and insights on apprenticeships, as well as contacts in the European Commission who are available to support the EAfA members when needed. 

Do you have any standout stories to share about apprentices who has successfully completed an apprenticeship? 

We have many standout stories of apprentices, that we regularly feature in our magazine De Hospes. De Hospes is a magazine tailored for our former students, and we feature interviews with our apprentices, who explain more about their apprenticeships and the skills and experiences they develop. 

For example, one student named Pieter Béatse spoke with the magazine about his apprenticeship and shared insights about his experience working in a French kitchen in the interview below in Related Documents. 

Why should other organisations join EAfA and submit a pledge? 

They should join to exchange knowledge and learn from fellow colleagues. 

I would phrase the question differently – why wouldn’t you join the Alliance? Why would you go out alone when you can join forces with fellow organisations in EAfA to grow together and improve apprenticeships? 

Hotelschool Ter Duinen has achieved a lot since joining EAfA, each year giving hundreds of quality apprenticeships to students, surpassing the targets of their pledge. Through EAfA, Hotelschool Ter Duinen has helped these students to grow professionally, gain experience and make valuable contacts in the hospitality and hotel sectors. The school is now better connected through the Alliance to make apprenticeships happen for many more students in the years to come. 

Has Hotelschool Ter Duinen's story inspired you to learn more about submitting a EAfA pledge? Find out how you can start your journey to becoming a EAfA member on our EAfA Membership and Pledges webpage.

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