Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 19/01/2024

EAfA Member Spotlight: ICterra

There is plenty to gain by becoming a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) and making a pledge! The EAfA Member Spotlight is a series of interview articles that highlight the hard work of Alliance members and how their pledges contribute to supporting quality and effective apprenticeships.

In this article, we shine the spotlight on ICterra and ask them to tell us more about their EAfA membership. ICterra is a software engineering company that provides software solutions to customers across multiple industries including healthcare, energy and telecommunications. 

How did you first hear about EAfA and why did you decide to submit a pledge? 

Turkish National Agency reached out to us and introduced the EAfA and Erasmus+ programmes. They have encouraged and supported us throughout the application. 

As the IT industry expands globally, it is important that professionals and aspiring candidates stay up-to-date with the latest innovation taking place around the world. EAfA provides the opportunity to collaborate on an international scale, making it possible for young people to benefit from sharing knowledge and experience. For these reasons, ICterra has become a part of this distinguished organisation. 

Can you provide a short overview of your pledge and which EAfA objectives it relates to? 

Our commitment is to the training and skill development of apprentices and young employees. The aim is to employ more trainees from universities and enable them to work with the relevant domain experts. 

As our headquarter is based in the Middle East Technical University – Technopolis, we aim to create strong cooperation between industry and universities. As part of our pledge, we are committed to supporting the development of skilled professionals who strive for continuous improvement and advancing their competencies. 

As a result, ICterra aims to bridge the industry–university gap, increase the supply of apprentices, improve apprenticeship quality and enhance mobility. 

We attribute the sustainability in the digital and technology sector to the increase in the number and quality of young people, as well as their improved global know-how and expertise in the areas they provide services in. 

Since submitting a pledge, what EAfA-organised activities has ICterra undertaken to achieve the EAfA objectives in their pledge? 

Last year we were awarded an Erasmus+ project (Small-scale Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training), which will make it possible to develop and/or transfer knowledge by fostering collaboration among our organisations and partners. 

The project facilitates skills-based training in vocational education and contributes to both the EU and Türkiye by discussing sector information in basic rail systems, and preparing a guide for the roles that serve the rail systems sector with the talent gap in IT. 

There is ongoing assignment and employment of trainees throughout the year. The number of collaborations and agreements with the universities have increased since then. 

What opportunities has your organisation taken to contribute to EAfA activities? 

We have: 

  • attended several online events focusing on mobility; 

  • participated in EAfA’s Community on the Green and Digital Transitions; 

  • executed the activities in the vocational education and training (VET) project we started; 

  • supported EAfA’s online activities and announcements via social media. 

Can you describe what type of apprenticeships ICterra offers? 

Our approach is two-folded

Firstly, ICterra’s apprenticeship programmes are offered to university students, focusing on computer and/or software engineering. The aim of these programmes is to create skilled professionals who are conscious of sustainability and are talented in the digital and technology sectors. 

Secondly, we attach great importance to lifelong learning, and therefore provide opportunities for our employees to apply their skills in their respective fields. Additionally, we support adult education as another area of focus. 

What is the most important benefit offered by EAfA to your organisation and why? 

The most obvious gain has been the development of the network and making new connections. This has made it possible for us to create new collaborations and will allow us to share experiences in the future. 

EAfA offers a platform to find partners, innovate and stay ahead of the latest developments in apprenticeships. This provided us with the opportunity to contribute to the collective effort of enhancing vocational training, and to play a key role in shaping skilled professionals who are ready to meet the challenges of the future. 

Do you have any standout stories to share about apprentices who has successfully completed an apprenticeship? 

One of the standout stories from our apprenticeship programme at ICterra involves the successful transition of apprentices into full-time employees. 

This journey from apprenticeship to employment symbolises the core aim of our initiative – to cultivate talent and offer substantial career opportunities to those who demonstrate exceptional skills and dedication. Their journey is a testament to our belief in the transformative power of apprenticeships. 

We are proud of our ongoing vocational training programme, which is focused on rail systems supported by Erasmus+. 

This programme, designed to address the specific skills required in this sector, offers apprentices a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology and industry-specific challenges. The programme not only enhances technical proficiency, but also instils a deep understanding of the complexities and responsibilities involved in maintaining and innovating rail systems. 

Why should other organisations join EAfA and submit a pledge? 

EAfA’s goal is to enhance the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships across Europe. By joining, organisations contribute to this aim, ensuring that apprenticeships continue to be a valuable and respected path for skill development. It is a commitment to improving apprentice mobility and sharing in the responsibility of creating a skilled workforce for the future. 

Collaboration is at the heart of EAfA's ethos. The Alliance facilitates partnerships among a wide array of stakeholders including businesses, educational institutions, and research organisations. This collaborative spirit is further bolstered by Erasmus+ funding, which not only promotes VET but also supports projects that develop new apprenticeship models, improve training, and strengthen ties between businesses and education institutions. 

As a member of EAfA, organisations find themselves in a great environment for exchanging ideas and learning from best practices. It is a gateway to a wealth of knowledge, tools and news, keeping members at the forefront of apprenticeship initiatives. 

Joining EAfA provides an opportunity to be part of a transformative journey, one that promises to bring about improvements in apprenticeships and vocational education across Europe. 

Has ICterra’s story inspired you to learn more about submitting a EAfA pledge? Find out how you can start your journey to becoming EAfA member on our EAfA Membership and Pledges webpage. 

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