Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 02/10/2023

EAfA Member Spotlight: SoftwareOne

There is plenty to gain by becoming a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) and making a pledge! The EAfA Member Spotlight is a series of interview articles that highlight the hard work of Alliance members and how their pledges contribute to supporting quality and effective apprenticeships.

We interviewed Daniela Doelle, Academy Lead from SoftwareOne, a member and Champion of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA). SoftwareOne is a leading global software and cloud solutions provider with extensive experience in running apprenticeship programmes. We asked Daniela to tell us more about why SoftwareOne became an EAfA member, their achievements, and how they have benefited from their EAfA membership. 

How did you first hear about EAfA, and why did you decide to submit a pledge? 

When we first learned about EAfA through the Pact for Skills, we saw that SoftwareOne and the Alliance shared many common interests. We recognised the Alliance’s potential to promote apprenticeships and enhance their quality and availability across Europe, so we knew right away that we wanted to join. 

Could you give a short overview of your pledge and which EAfA objectives it relates to? 

SoftwareOne launched SoftwareOne Academy in 2021 with a simple vision: to develop grassroot-level technical talent in the communities where we operate and bridge the gap between education and employment. In 2022 we made a pledge to continually improve access to apprenticeships. As a first step, we committed to providing more than 100 apprenticeships and over 200 opportunities for graduates and career changers.  

We are dedicated to empowering apprentices with accessible, inclusive and sustainable programmes in technology, business and soft skills. SoftwareOne Academy’s philosophy is to offer paid learning and training opportunities for beginners to enter the tech world, a difficult sector to access as an apprentice. We envision recruiting over 20% of our new hires from our in-house Academy. 

Since submitting your pledge, what activities has SoftwareOne organised to achieve the EAfA objectives in their pledge? 

We expanded our presence to seven countries across Europe and beyond, impacting the lives of hundreds of young individuals. We initiated apprenticeships in France, Germany, Spain and Türkiye. Globally, by the end of 2022, we had engaged a total of 400 learners.  

We have also set up apprentice value guardians – trusted individuals who serve as moderators and contact points for all trainees and students. Furthermore, we are actively seeking Erasmus+ opportunities to promote apprentice mobility.  

So far, we have had apprentices move between Spain and Ireland. We want every apprentice to have the chance to work at least once in a different country. 

What opportunities has SoftwareOne taken to contribute to EAfA activities? 

SoftwareOne Academy actively participates in job fairs, open days and educational programmes to raise awareness about digital career opportunities. We engage in state programmes to offer insights to girls about careers traditionally dominated by men, such as information technology and science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We participate in a Tech Teen programme where some of our employees lead courses in schools. 

As a tech company, we are also passionate about going carbon neutral. We run a greenifying project that follows apprentices as they progress in their learning pathways, including a wide range of projects focused on improving green skills and sustainability.  

Within this framework, apprentices developed an API system to pool and book e-bikes. This project was also presented to the EAfA community. As an EAfA Champion, we spread the word about EAfA, share best practices and actively encourage our apprentices to share their stories. 

We are also collaborating with Tech to the Rescue – a foundation that matches tech organisations with non-profits to fix the world’s most pressing challenges. 

Could you describe the types of apprenticeships SoftwareOne offers? 

There are two main profiles for our apprentices – commercial and technical.  

  • Commercial profile in sales and delivery: These apprenticeships focus on effectively organising and controlling sales and delivery processes. This includes, for example, the preparation of quotes and invoices, bookkeeping and customer service. 

Our technical apprenticeships are split into three types: 

  • Software development: These apprenticeships focus on software engineering, programming and application development. Apprentices learn programming languages, software design principles and best practices for developing software applications. 

  • IT support: These apprenticeships focus on providing technical support to end-users, troubleshooting hardware and software issues and maintaining IT infrastructure. This type of apprenticeship often leads to roles like helpdesk support or IT technician. 

  • Cloud computing: These apprenticeships focus on cloud technologies, including cloud infrastructure, cloud management and cloud service delivery. Apprentices may learn about popular cloud platforms like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. 

What is the most important benefit offered by EAfA to your organisation and why? 

Our primary goal is to expand apprenticeship programmes to more countries. Therefore, the EAfA network is very useful for understanding and providing materials related to new markets and apprenticeship opportunities. We can also learn best practices from other companies. 

Do you have any standout stories of successful apprentices? 

Within our apprenticeship programme, we use mentors who provide technical training to our apprentices. Interestingly, many of our tech mentors are former apprentices themselves. We see this as a success story. The fact that former apprentices have advanced in their careers to the point where they are now mentoring others is a clear indication of their professional growth and expertise. 

Why should other organisations consider joining EAfA and submitting a pledge? 

The benefits of joining EAfA may vary from one organisation to another. However, if an organisation needs to promote and strengthen its apprenticeship programme, joining EAfA is the best way to do it.  

You will find a great network of various passionate stakeholders, including employers, educational institutions and apprentices. What they all have in common is the aspiration to create high-quality apprenticeship programmes and boost employability. 

Has SoftwareOne’s story inspired you to learn more about submitting a EAfA pledge? Find out how you can start your journey to becoming a EAfA member on our EAfA Membership and Pledges webpage

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