Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/12/2021

Looking back at 2021: Key highlights and milestones for the Alliance

In 2021, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) worked hard to implementing its activities in line with the COVID-19 restrictions. And now, with the new year around the corner, we would like to cast a reflective eye on some of our main achievements this year.

The renewed EAfA turned 1

On 15 July 2021, we marked one year since Commissioner Schmit launched the renewed EAfA, giving new impulse to the EU commitment towards apprenticeships and setting out six ambitious priorities. By continuing to bring together governments, social partners, businesses, chambers, regions, youth organisations, education/training providers, and think tanks, the renewed EAfA continued to help unlock decisive actions by all actors.

Bringing people together

In 2021, EAfA organised a total of 18 activities, including 6 live discussions, 4 webinars, 3 online training modules, 3 online events, and 2 high-level events. These activities brought together around 2,500 people from the apprenticeship sector in Europe.

Our two high-level conferences received particular attention:

The high-level conference on quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships examined national apprenticeship reforms in countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and explored key priorities of the renewed EAfA, including how to foster apprenticeship coalitions and strengthen social dialogue. The event featured keynote speeches by Nicolas Schmit, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, and the Director General of the International Labour Organization, Guy Ryder.

The high-level conference on the role of regions and cities in delivering high-quality apprenticeships for all brought together more than 35 speakers to discuss how apprenticeships can be an instrument of social inclusion, what the main barriers are, and good practices. The conference featured keynote speeches by EU Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, and Anne Karjalainen, Chair of the Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture.

If you missed any of our events, you can find summariesrecordings and reports, in the News section.

Monitoring progress

In February 2021, we asked EAfA Members to take a survey on the status of their pledge implementation from 2019 to 2020. In total, we received 115 responses from pledging organisations from 24 countries across Europe, including 17 EU Member States. Members reported creating over 735,000 apprenticeship places between 2019 and 2020, and at least 1,525 mobility experiences.

The survey also highlighted that the large majority of our members consider EAfA very valuable or valuable for boosting the quality, supply, image, and mobility of apprenticeships.

2022 Action Plan

We have also published the 2022 EAfA Operational Plan. The plan provides an overview of the activities conducted in 2021 and sketches the main upcoming novelties. It also outlines the concrete steps EAfA will take to foster apprenticeships in collaboration with all key stakeholders. Finally, the plan includes the calendar of all EAfA activities planned for 2022, some of which are outlined below.

In summary, thanks to our members and supporters, the Alliance has been able to achieve a great deal in 2021 and we hope to keep up the good work in 2022. If you are not already a member, you can take part by making a pledge of your own. Find out how to become an EAfA member.

Do not forget to follow the Alliance on LinkedIn to keep up to date with EAfA news and share your ideas with the community.

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