Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 05/08/2021

European Alliance for Apprenticeship Monitoring Survey 2019−2020

In February 2021, we asked EAfA Members to take a survey on their pledge implementation from 2019 to 2020. In total, we received 115 responses from pledging organisations from 24 countries across Europe, including 17 EU Member States.

Computer screen showing members during online meeting

Progress on EAfA’s objectives

The majority of respondents reported achieving major or some progress on each of the four EAfA objectives they have committed to: supply, quality, image, and mobility.

They also reported creating over 735,000 apprenticeship places between 2019 and 2020. Half of the respondents said they had implemented activities supporting apprentices in developing green or digital skills, such as: 

  • integrating green and digital skills into the curriculum or training offer;
  • participating in specific projects, including EU-funded initiatives;
  • digitalising internal processes or upgrading digital equipment;
  • greening internal processes as part of corporate social responsibility.

Main challenges

EAfA members identified COVID-19 as one of the main challenges over the monitored period. Respondents reported that the pandemic led to a decrease in the supply of apprenticeships, especially in sectors like hospitality. Apprentices who remained in training also faced severe disruptions in the normal provision of education and training, which raised concerns about student motivation and the overall quality of apprenticeships. Mobility of apprentices was also strongly affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, several organisations reported that the crisis also impacted their promotional activities, making it harder for them to connect with students, parents, and other organisations.

EAfA’s added value

Almost all respondents (89%) said they consider EAfA very valuable or valuable for boosting the quality, supply, image, and mobility of apprenticeships.

Among the main benefits of EAfA, respondents identified:

  • knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices;
  • networking and opportunities for cooperation;
  • access to updated information about EU policies and innovations in VET;
  • increased visibility of member’s activities.

On top of these benefits, many respondents highlighted that EAfA has given them an overall sense of belonging to a community of like-minded people with shared goals and objectives.

The full survey report is available in the ‘Related documents’ section.

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