Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 07/10/2022

Latvia hosted the third EQAVET Peer Review

The Latvian Peer Review, which took place on 21 and 22 September, explored the concept of quality systems for VET institutions.

European Commission

© European Commission

The third EQAVET Peer Review was hosted by the Latvian State Education Quality Service at the Grand Poet Hotel in Riga, Latvia.

It brought together EQAVET Network members from Belgium (French speaking region), Bulgaria, Lithuania and Luxembourg who acted as peers.

The purpose of the Peer Review was to gather the feedback from the peers on the proposed concept of a quality system and the ability to externally evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed quality system using the current performance indicators and criteria.

During the Peer Review, the peers and national stakeholders had the opportunity to exchange practices on employer surveys conducted at the national level. The discussions included the lessons gathered from a pilot survey conducted by the Latvian State Education Quality Service in 2019, which collected data on various aspects incorporating information on EQAVET indicators 5 and 6 and it verified the adequacy of the students and graduates’ skills in line with labour market needs.

The host and peers also discussed measures to improve the outreach to, and participation of, employers in surveys and different forms of collecting feedback from employers, students and graduates.

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