Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

08/06/2018 Brussels

Cedefop 2018 Skills Forecast launch event: Future jobs - current challenges

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) will release the results of its new 2018 Skills Forecast on 8 June at the Residence Palace, in Brussels.

© Cedefop, 2018

Cedefop will present the current challenges for policy-making (demographic, job destruction, job polarisation, routine work vs autonomy etc.) emerging from the skills forecast and these will be debated by a high-level panel.

2018 Skills Forecast

The 2018 Skills Forecast projections suggest that four in five new jobs will require a high level of skills. The Forecast also projects fast growth of high-skills occupations, with some growth in certain less-skilled jobs (for example, sales, security, cleaning, catering and caring occupations).

In contrast, the number of jobs in medium-skill occupations, such as skilled manual workers and clerks, is projected to see a very slow growth or even to decline over time.

At the same time, the need to replace the existing workforce (e.g. due to retirement) will generate numerous job openings, including for occupations that are otherwise in declining demand (e.g. metal and machinery trades workers or agricultural workers).

On the supply side, there may be an even larger pool of high-qualified workers from which workers can be drawn, which means that some highly trained workers may therefore end up in jobs below their qualification level.


The forecast is the only source of data at EU level offering an outlook of future labour market trends that is comparable across countries, sectors and occupations.

In today’s fast-moving labour market, labour market and skills intelligence is more important than ever. Up-to-date and reliable information on current and future labour market trends and skills needs is an essential basis for informed decisions by policy makers, enterprises and individuals.


2018 Skills Forecast

More information on the event

Résidence Palace - Wetstraat 155 rue de la Loi - Brussels

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