Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 23/04/2019

Slovakia: Improving social inclusion policies through a thorough spending review

An ESPN Flash Report on public spending and investments in Slovakia has just been published.

© Shutterstock / Carlos Andre Santos

A new Flash Report prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) is now available and provides information on the Value for Money initiative in Slovakia.

Value for Money consists of an empirically-driven review of public spending and large-scale public investments, to assess their “value” as public goods and to identify economically viable alternative options. It is expected to help modernise public administration and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies in Slovakia.

The review was launched by the current government and, in view of the impressive outcomes it has delivered, it will be important to maintain it after the next parliamentary elections. To make it even more valuable, the currently narrow economic perspective on social inclusion issues should be broadened, with more attention paid to social determinants and consequences, moving beyond a focus on expenditure.

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