Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/03/2016

Recent migration and integration policies in Denmark

A new Flash Report prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) on recent migration and integration policies in Denmark has just been published.

At the end of 2015, the Danish government introduced a series of policy changes to reduce the number of asylum seekers and improve the integration of refugees. The government was harshly criticised in the international press in relation to

  • new border controls,
  • legislation to seize migrants’ valuables
  • stricter rules for family reunification.
Other policy changes include a U-turn in integration policies with the government currently negotiating a “work first”-approach with the social partners and local governments. Instead of offering refugees Danish language courses and making them familiar with life in Denmark before they enter the labour market, the new goal is to get refugees first into the workplace where they should then become acquainted with the national language, customs and social norms.

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