Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/04/2015

New 'waiting time and treatment package' for cancer in Poland and other recent social policy developments in Europe

Three new Flash Reports have been published providing short and up-to-date information on new initiatives in the social field in Poland, Latvia and Liechtenstein.

  • Responding to the problem of long waiting times and high mortality rates due to cancers, the Polish government introduced a “waiting time and oncology treatment package” in January 2015. The package aims at improving early diagnosis of cancers and shortening waiting times for specialised treatment.
  • Meanwhile in Latvia, a new minimum income threshold is due to come into effect gradually, as of 2017. The aim of the reform is to establish a minimum income level that appropriately reflects the socio-economic situation and that can serve as a reference point for improving policies in the areas of social assistance, unemployment, pensions, benefits and taxes.
  • In Liechtenstein, as elsewhere, pension funds have come under pressure. To face demographic and  financial market challenges, reforms are envisaged, such as
    • an increase of the contributions,
    • a reduction of the affiliation threshold,
    • an earlier beginning of the insurance contribution and an upward adjustment of the pensionable age.
    The reform package should become effective as from 2016.

More detailed information on these initiatives is available in the Flash Reports:

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