Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Norway - Work assessment allowance

This section provides information about work assessment allowance (arbeidsavklaringspenger) and what conditions apply to the benefit.

Regarding the UK the EEA/EFTA-UK Separation Agreement or the Convention on Social Security between Norway and the UK is applied.

In what situation can I claim?

If you lose at least 50% degree of your capacity to work, or 30% if the incapacity is due to work re-lated injury or sickness, you may be entitled to receive work assessment allowance.

What conditions do I need to meet?

You must have been a member of the National Insurance Scheme for at least 5 years up to the contingency.

Students in Norway or students abroad who are funded by the Norwegian State Education Loan Fund are also covered in the event that Fund does not provide a grant during a period of illness or inability to study. Contributions in other EEA countries may also apply.

Your ability to work must have been reduced by at least 50 % by the injury or illness.

You must either be receiving active treatment, or be active in employment measures in order to receive work assessment allowance. (You can also receive it during waiting periods or after the completion of treatment or employment measures.)

You must submit an employment status form every 14 days.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Work assessment allowance is generally equivalent to two thirds (66 %) of your income, but any income over 6 G, i.e. NOK 638 394 at the current Basic Amount, is not counted. This means that NOK 421 340 is the maximum amount of benefit that can be paid in 1 year, and NOK 35 112 is the maximum monthly amount, even if your pay was more than 6 G. Persons with low or no previous income are entitled to receive a minimum benefit. The minimum benefit for persons 25 years old and up is 2 G, i.e. NOK 212 798 at the current Basic Amount. Persons under the age of 25 with low or no previous income are entitled to a yearly minimum that equals two-thirds of 2 Basic Amounts, i.e. NOK 141 865 at the current Basic Amount. The total amount payable may vary depending on whether you support children, you  receive other social security benefits, or you have suffered an accident at work or occupational desease.

The benefit is calculated per day, and is provided every 14th day. Supplement  for children under 18 is NOK 27 per day and per child.

For any extra supplements related to children or studies, please refer to 'Rates' on this NAV page (in Norwegian only).

Jargon busters

  • G: Abbreviation for National Insurance Basic Amount (see Basic Amount below). 1 G = 1 x Basic Amount, 2 G = 2 x Basic Amount, etc.;
  • Basic Amount: A standard amount that is used to calculate benefits and pensions, and which is set on 1 May each year. As of 1 May 2021, the Basic Amount is NOK 106 399, or about EUR 10 672.

Forms you may need to fill in

Application for work assessment allowance - Applications - www.nav.no

Know your rights

The links below direct you to websites that describe your legal rights, but they are not part of the European Commission's websites. The Commission is therefore not responsible for the content.

 The Commission's publication and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

NAV: https://www.nav.no/en/Home, or at your local NAV office.

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