Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Croatia - Previous insurance also counts

This chapter will explain what you need to know about how moving within the EU affects your social rights.

In what situation can I claim?

If you go to work in a European Union country or another country covered by EU regulations, as a rule, you will no longer come under the Croatian social security system and the rules of the country you work in will apply to you.

If you have lived, worked and/or paid insurance in another EU country or countries covered by the same regulations, then the time spent living (see Jargon busters) in another of these countries, the time spent working or other relevant time may be taken into account when your benefits are calculated in Croatia.

More information concerning the UK can be found on the pages of the Ministry of Interior https://mup.gov.hr/news/information-concerning-the-future-relations-between-the-united-kingdom-and-the-european-union/283273.

What conditions do I need to meet?

The possibility of combining periods for which you have paid contributions in other EU countries or time spent living in those countries applies to the following rights:

  • benefits in kind (healthcare) (davanje u naravi – zdravstvena skrb);
  • maternity/paternity benefits (rodiljne/roditeljske potpore);
  • old-age pension (starosna mirovina);
  • survivor's pension (obiteljska mirovina);
  • invalidity pension (invalidska mirovina);
  • unemployment benefit (naknada za nezaposlenost);
  • child benefit (doplatak za djecu).

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

If you have worked in a country covered by EU regulations and are returning to Croatia, you need to bring:

  • Confirmation of insurance period, or time spent living (see Jargon busters) in the other country to which EU legislation applies issued by the competent authority in that country;
  • If you are receiving unemployment benefit, you can transfer it to Croatia. In this case, the relevant employment service will issue the transferable U2 document (see Jargon busters).

Jargon busters

  • Period of insurance or qualifying years is the time which an insured person after 15 years of age has spent in mandatory pension insurance and extended insurance.
  • Time spent living is the time which a person has spent living and working in a country to which EU legislation applies.
  • Transferrable document U2 is the document issued to you by the relevant employment service with which you can transfer employment benefit.

Forms you may need to fill in


Know your rights

You can find out about your legal rights at the links below. They are not European Commission websites and do not represent the views of the Commission:

Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Croatian Pension Insurance Institute
A. Mihanovica 3
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 14595500, +385 800636363

Central Registry of Affiliates
(only when exercising rights to a second pillar pension)
Gajeva 5
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 14898900

Croatian Health Insurance Fund
Margaretska 3
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 8007979

Croatian Employment Service
Savska cesta 64
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 14595500, +385 800636363

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