Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Croatia - Benefits for caregivers

This chapter will explain what caregivers are entitled to in Croatia.

This chapter covers:

  • parent caregiver status or caregiver status (status roditelja njegovatelja ili status njegovatelja).

In what situation can I claim?

Parent caregiver status can be acquired by parents of a child with developmental disabilities or a disabled adult. If the family has two or more children with developmental disabilities or disabled persons, the status of parent caregiver can be acquired by both parents.

If a child with developmental disabilities has no parents, if the parents do not live with him or due to his psychophysical condition are unable to provide him with the necessary care, the right to caregiver status can be granted to the spouse or common-law partner of the parent of the child with developmental disabilities, a life or informal life partner parents of a child with developmental disabilities, a relative in the direct line and a relative in the collateral line up to and including the second degree of kinship.

A family member can have this status even if in a single-parent family there are two or more children with developmental disabilities or there is a disabled adult.

The right to the status of caregiver is granted to a person at the choice of a person with a disability with his or her consent, or the consent of his legal representative, who lives in a joint household with a person with a disability.

The right to the parent caregiver status, instead of a parent, can also be acquired by a married or cohabitating partner of the parent of the child with developmental disabilities or disabled adult if they live in a family unit.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Parent caregiver or caregiver status can be claimed if a child or disabled adult is entirely dependent on the assistance and care of another person, i.e. if they are completely immobile and use orthopaedic aids or need the provision of specific care by performing medical-technical procedures.

Status can also be acquired if the child or disabled person has several types of severe impairments (physical, mental, intellectual or sensory), because of which they completely depend on the assistance and care of another person to meet their basic living needs. Parent caregiver or caregiver status cannot be acquired if a child with developmental disabilities or disabled adult received residential care, organised living, or full-day or half-day semi-residential care (see Social welfare, chapter Services for people in need).

Parent caregiver or caregiver status cannot be acquired when a child with disabilities or disabled adult uses all-day stay service, accommodation service or supported living service. It cannot be acquired when a parent is using maternity, parental or adoption leave for that child or adult with disabilities. Also, it cannot be acquired when a parent or other person is deprived of the right to parental care. A status cannot be acquired if a disabled adult concluded lifelong support contract or a contract for support until death.

A parent caregiver or caregiver is entitled to a cash benefit, as well as pension and health insurance rights and rights during unemployment  as an employed person according to special regulations.

A parent caregiver or caregiver may also be entitled to child benefit (see the topic Family, chapter Child benefit).

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Parent caregivers or caregivers

A cash benefit of 597,25€ if the child or adult with disabilities is in such health condition that cannot participate in community programmes and services

A parent caregiver or caregiver has the right to compensation for the time spent in temporary incapacity for care due to an illness that lasts up to two months, as well as for the time of leave when the child is provided with accommodation for the entire duration of the parent's annual leave.

The Allowance for the Parent-Caregiver is EUR 530,89 , i.e. 800% of the base amount, paid in monthly instalments. If the Parent-Caregiver or Caregiver provides care for a child with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities who cannot participate in programs and services in the community, then the allowance is EUR 597,25.

The Parent-Caregiver who cares alone for two or more children with developmental disabilities or a person with disabilities is entitled to an allowance of 1200% of the base amount EUR 862,70.

A parent caregiver or a caregiver is also entitled to a benefit for the time spent temporarily incapacitated in order to provide care due to illness as well as during a leave when the child is provided with accommodation for the entire annual leave of the parent.

A parent caregiver or a caregiver is also entitled to compulsory pension insurance.

Parent caregiver or caregiver status is obtained via the Croatian Institute for Social Work in the place of residence of the applicant.

Forms you may need to fill in

You can download the forms for exercising your social welfare system rights at the links below:

Know your rights

You can find out about your legal rights at the links below. They are not European Commission websites and do not represent the views of the Commission:

Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Croatian Institute for Social Work

The list of regional offices is not yet available Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 15557111

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