Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

26/11/2021 Brussels

MoveS lunchtime webinar: 'Highly Mobile Workers in the EU'

The EC-funded MoveS network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) organised a lunchtime webinar on 26 November at 11:30 CEST.

The number of mobile workers within the EU has increased over the past years, resulting in new types and patterns of labour mobility. Among this group are the so-called ‘highly mobile workers’, which include a wide range of people placed in heterogeneous situations. They may perform various professional activities through several statuses and under multiple work patterns.

Highly mobile workers could have to cross the border frequently; working in more than one Member State is their day-to-day experience. From a social security perspective, this raises the question - which Member State is competent for their working situation?

The webinar first aimed to better identify who these workers are, before describing some main issues and challenges observed in the field of labour law and social security coordination; which have been further highlighted by in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The webinar then looked more closely into the social security coordination for these workers and provided an overview of the existing regulatory framework focusing on the main challenges and the ways in which they are currently addressed.

In addition, the webinar provided examples referring to specific sectors and professional categories. With regards to this, the results of the MOBILIVE study were presented, providing an overview of the current situation and challenges faced by those workers in the live performance sector. 

Live session: Friday, 26th of November 2021, 11:30 – 13:00 CEST

Speakers: Jean-Philippe Lhernould, Bernhard Spiegel, Marco Rocca

Moderation: Filip Van Overmeiren

Replay the webinar (external link)




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