Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 28/08/2019

EPIC publishes second annual thematic report on child and family policy developments in Europe

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) has published its second annual thematic report.

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This report outlines and summarises new policy developments in the area of child and family policy in the 28 EU Member States (EU28), and reports on progress with policies and activities initiated in earlier years.

This year’s EPIC annual thematic report

This year’s EPIC thematic report provides data on key trends in child wellbeing across the EU, with a reflection on policy developments and key challenges remaining. The report is aligned with the three pillars of the 2013 Recommendation ‘Investing in Children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage’ and is also guided by recent developments related to the European Pillar of Social Rights.

In addition to providing a general overview of key developments in child and family policy, the report also specifically covers developments in specific policy areas:

  • Children’s rights and participation in decision making
  • Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) provision
  • Parental, paternity and maternity leave policies
  • Social and income support and benefits for families
  • Material and psychosocial support for children
  • Support to first- and -second generation migrant children
  • Support to vulnerable children (including children with disabilities and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children)
  • Progress towards the deinstitutionalisation of the child care system.

EPIC supports Member States to invest in children

EPIC is an evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that support positive child development and wellbeing, and to provide resources for Member States to support the implementation of the Recommendation.

It is also a platform for sharing best practices for children and families to foster cooperation and mutual learning in the field.

In addition to this annual thematic report, EPIC publishes a series of policy memos aimed at policymakers, researchers and practitioners which aim to provide short, accessible introductions about key topics in children’s wellbeing.

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