Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 16/12/2020

PES Network Board re-affirms the vital role of the PES network in the post-COVID recovery

The latest PES Board meeting confirmed that the PES Network has adapted well to the needs of Europe’s PES in times of COVID - and remains more important than ever in addressing their ongoing challenges.

The Board enjoyed a high-level panel discussion on the role of PES for recovery, involving: the Germany Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil; the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit; and Second Vice chair of the PES Network (DE) Daniel Terzenbach.

In this context, the Commissioner highlighted a number of relevant European initiatives, including the recently reinforced Youth Guarantee, minimum wage initiative, support for short-time work schemes and the Skills agenda and apprenticeship programmes. “PES have a key role in up- and reskilling,” he reminded, as highlighted in a recent PES Network event.

Members of the Board also reflected on the quick response of the PES Network to the needs of Europe’s PES during the crisis. Through online exchange formats, the ‘benchlearning’ model used by the PES Network had proven itself adaptable to the crisis.

Board members adopted the paper ‘The role of PES in modernising the labour market and managing structural change’ prepared by the PES Network Working Group on new forms of work. They agreed that structural labour market changes related to the future of work and digitalisation have accelerated under the pandemic and that to succeed will require ever stronger exchange.

Discussions highlighted some key common challenges needing to be addressed by PES Network exchanges in the near future. These included: supporting young people; skills and employability; preventing unemployment; fair mobility and migration; greening of the economy; and digitalisation, including Artificial Intelligence.

This 14th PES Network Board Meeting took place online hosted by the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union and welcomed new Board members.

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