Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 18/11/2020

What role for Europe’s PES in attracting skilled labour from third countries?

A new publication from the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) highlights and provides recommendations on the role of PES in addressing shortages of skilled labour from third countries.

© Shutterstock / Artur Szczybylo

The new study, titled ‘The role of PES in talent recruitment from third countries’ starts by setting out the potential need for a high-skilled labour force to address long-term shortage of skilled labour in various sectors due to demographic and structural changes that cannot be addressed solely by intra-EU mobility.

It points out that PES can have a crucial role to play in this regard, offering “a deep knowledge and up-to-date information on changes in the labour market…experience with labour market programmes and… well-established cooperation with many stakeholders.”

To further reinforce this role of PES, the study outlines recommendations for action at the following four levels:

  1. national labour migration policies (as a framework for PES actions);
  2. individual PES at the national level;
  3. the European PES network; and
  4. the EU policy-making level.

This study was informed by expert interviews, desk research and a survey of PES in seven Member States or regions (Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Germany, Spain, Finland, Latvia & Poland).

We invite you to find out more in this latest PES Network study!

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