Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 01/02/2022

PES Network explores how best to integrate vulnerable groups in the labour market

A new thematic paper of the PES Network outlines the novel approaches being used by Public Employment Services (PES) to support vulnerable groups into employment and the key lessons taken from these experiences.

A new PES Network Thematic Paper on Support to Vulnerable Groups has highlighted the increased investment of Europe’s PES in employment programmes for the long-term unemployed and other vulnerable groups. These include younger and older workers, people with low levels of (digital) skills, ethnic minorities, those with a migrant background and people with disabilities.

Key lessons from these investments include the importance of early and holistic profiling of jobseekers in order to offer timely support based on individuals’ real needs, as well as continuing support even after placement of a vulnerable person.

The potential role of both social enterprises and workplace mentors in supporting vulnerable people were identified as interesting areas for further exploration by PES in this context.

The paper looks at the main barriers to employment and compares targeted and generalist approaches, as well as lessons from service integration. It further examines the importance of increased contact with job counsellors and upskilling programmes.

In doing so, the paper builds on the discussions of the PES Network Thematic Review Workshop on Vulnerable Groups organised online 28-29 September 2021. This event heard from the national French PES and two Belgian regional PES about their work with the long-term unemployed, the Slovenian PES about its ‘learning workshops’ Active Labour Market Policy (ALMP) measure and the German PES on how its social security contribution programme is promoting employment amongst vulnerable groups.

This strand of work reflects the central place of reducing unemployment among vulnerable groups at the heart of the updated PES Network Strategy and the increased urgency of the task following the labour market impact of COVID-19. Indeed, PES are crucial actors in implementing the March 2021 Commission Recommendation on an effective active support to employment following the COVID-19 crisis (EASE).

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