Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 21/01/2010

Federal Foundation Mother and Child for pregnant women in emergency situations (Germany)

The aim of the Federal Foundation is to prevent pregnant women with low incomes or in households where they are the main breadwinner from falling into poverty during pregnancy and/or following the birth of a child.

Host Country : Germany

Place and date : 21. - 22.1.2010

Peer countries : Bulgaria - Denmark - Greece - Hungary - Italy - Serbia

Stakeholders : COFACE, ESN, Eurochild

The Foundation provided additional, immediate and unbureaucratic support tailored to their specific needs, if unemployment or social welfare benefits are either not paid in due time or fail to be paid at all. It also provides pregnant women with support and counselling via local pregnancy information centres.

With an annual budget of at least €92 million from the Federal budget (and around €97 million in 2009), the Foundation and its network of Länder foundations and implementing organisations currently provide assistance to around one in five pregnant women.

In the Peer Review, the German model will be presented to other Member States as an example of good practice in terms of supporting pregnant women in difficult situations, reducing family poverty and preventing child neglect.

Peer Review manager

Ms Katja Korolkova (ÖSB Consulting GmbH)

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