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Virtual reality digitises Poland’s fashion industry

  • 16 August 2019

A Polish e-commerce platform makes it possible for fashion designers to showcase their collections and services using virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), making online shopping both interactive and fun.

LookRoom is the first XR platform designed for showcasing fashion designers' products online in a fun, interactive and realistic way. Our mission is to provide an end-to-end solution for fashion designers to digitise, present and sell the products in VR/AR, and to let users experience and shop online like never before.

Konrad Ziaja, CEO

Blurring the line between online and in-store shopping, the CinematicVR project has created a virtual showroom called LookRoom, where designers can present and sell their products. It allows clients to see the creations in 3D, giving them the feeling that they are attending their own, intimate fashion show. 

A user-friendly workflow has been created so that fashion designers can quickly and efficiently digitise their collections. The VR platform includes a function that allows users to build apps to showcase their products online. 

Digitising collections

Previously, the fashion industry in Poland did not have an e-commerce VR platform aimed specifically at fashion designers. Mobile devices were not seen as ideal for displaying fashion. The project aimed to change that by teaming up with the fashion department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw to create VR solutions for the industry. 

This resulted in LookRoom, which allows designers to reveal their collections in a fun, interactive and realistic way. This delivers a comprehensive service for designers, from digitisation to presentation. Engaging and immersive 360-degree films cans be made and the VR footage can be livestreamed to custom-made VR apps, as well as to YouTube or Facebook. 

Virtual catalogues

Virtual product catalogues are being created using a prototype VR presentation studio. This means that clients no longer need to look at small photos on a densely-packed mobile fashion e-commerce app screen. With the use of VR goggles, powered by their mobile phones, they can be teleported into their favourite designer’s studio without leaving the comfort of their own homes.

The showroom does not just want to showcase good photos. Rather, it wants to give both designers and clients a new experience. It does so by enabling clients to virtually browse, shop and share their favourite collections with friends and even to stand face-to-face with models so that they can truly experience the scale and texture of the clothes on offer. 

The project hopes that through this virtual catalogue the Polish fashion industry will expand and become a market leader. It is working with local fashion designers, enabling them to be the first to use the VR technology to market themselves. 

Six jobs have been created through the project.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “CinematicVR” is EUR 257 273, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 187 908 through the “Development of Eastern Poland” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Jobs, growth and investment”.