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Rejuvenation of the Lugo’s San Marcos Square invigorates neighbouring area

  • 29 January 2016

An historic square in Galicia’s most populated city is renovated with a view to the long term revival of the immediate and surrounding areas.

Key to the success of this project has been an integrated methodology, as promoted by the European Union, involving the full participation of a range of different stakeholders.

Blanca Cañal, URBAN Project Director

The main aims of this project were to renew the environment of a degraded historic area with great potential for civic cooperation activities, revive the local economy through micro-businesses, and attract more citizens to reside in the area.

The principal activities carried out consisted of pedestrianizing an area of almost 8 000 m², making 2 800 m² into garden areas open to the public, and creating a 230 m promenade next to a World Heritage Site Roman wall. Grants and incentives were also given to help attract new businesses to the area.

All round benefits for Lugo and its residents

Overall the impact of the project has been much greater than originally envisaged. The city’s tourism plan now boasts unique attractions, with the newly uncovered Roman aqueduct remains and the square boosting tourist numbers to the archaeological heritage of the city. As a result the economic motor of the walled city has been revived with new activities, services and recreational spaces adding to its general appeal.

For example, in 2011 the World Ham Congress was held in Lugo shortly after project completion.

Local partnerships strengthened

The participation and partnership between local public administrations, large corporations, small business owners, the hotel industry, the financial sector, NGOs, communities of property owners and residents was key to the project´s success. Meetings were held with all business owners in the project area and all of these stakeholders named representatives to form part of the jury which went on to select the project and oversee its subsequent implementation.

Since the project start date, the resident population has increased significantly. The project also incentivised additional private investment by retailers and other businesses resulting in increased employment for the local population, in particular within SME´s tailoring to the tourism sector.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the “Urban Project (Urbana Initiative) Lugo City Hall” project is EUR 3 085 037, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 222 901 from the Operational Programme “Galicia” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.