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Promoting waste use in the Baltic Region

  • 22 May 2015

Partners in the REMOWE project have introduced innovative ways to use waste from cities, farming and industry, in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and energy dependency across the Baltic Region.

REMOWE has increased all the partners' understanding of waste-to-energy concepts, regional modelling an innovative processes. This knowledge has been shared across all the partner regions and could also be used by governments in the decision making process.

Eva Thorin, Mälardalen University

The project involved universities and government authorities who shared their specialist knowledge of both energy efficient technologies, and solutions to convert waste into an energy source. This approach was particularly useful for the Baltic States and Poland, where waste reuse has traditionally been low.

Concrete outcomes of REMOWE, which will benefit each of the partner countries, include new strategies for technology transfer, examples of best practice, action plans for supporting SMEs wanting to use new waste conversion technologies, and the creation of new business opportunities. The project has also set out guidelines for data specification and the regional modelling of waste-to-energy concepts.

Pilot projects

Various pilot projects took place under REMOWE. One such project in the North Savo region of Finland explored regional biogas opportunities in the area by combining computer modelling with local geographical information. Other innovative ideas included a bio refinery concept and a potential dual-fuelling system for a bus company.

Beyond REMOWE a follow-on project called ABOWE focuses on two technologies developed under REMOWE: bio refinery and dry digestion. Tests will take place in mobile pilot plants and should provide proof of technology for both technologies, leading to commercialisation potential in the longer term.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “REMOWE” is EUR 439 279, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 329 459 from the Operational Programme “Baltic Sea Region” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.