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PLASMAR: Balancing maritime development and conservation in Macaronesia

  • 23 May 2019

The PLASMAR project is developing smart solutions to synchronise the development of maritime sectors with maritime conservation in the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.

“The PLASMAR project aims to define and propose robust scientific methodologies to support Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Blue Growth in the three archipelagos included in the Macaronesian Region – the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands – searching for smart solutions to harmonise Blue Growth development of diverse maritime sectors and the conservation of its natural marine heritage.”

Andrej Abramić, Project Coordinator

Blue Growth is a long-term strategy to boost Europe’s marine and maritime sectors and lies at the centre of the PLASMAR project. This is being achieved with Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), which brings together industries that make use of the ocean to ensure they exploit these resources sustainably. The sectors involved are aquaculture, fisheries, maritime transport, offshore wind energy, mineral extraction, and maritime tourism. 

Tools, methodologies and processes are being designed to ensure the sustainable development of these maritime sectors. Scientific data and information are being collected, and methods developed to monitor the impact marine sectors have on the environment. Solutions are being found to preserve Macaronesia’s oceans.

Decision support system

The project is the first initiative to set up an MSP in Macaronesia. A web application, which helps with analysis and decision-making, has been set up. This decision support system has been designed to be user-friendly and is being patented. 

Initially, the project determined there was a lack of coordinated environmental data in the Macaronesian region. As a result, information was collated from European data initiatives such as EMODnet, the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service and the European Environment Information and Observation Network, as well as from national and local resources. Efficient data flows and management were established and a standard methodology for environmental impact assessment was developed. This was applied to the aquaculture, offshore wind energy, maritime transport and sand extraction industries.

Monitoring methods

Monitoring methods were adapted for Macaronesian conditions to determine the state of the marine environment and the pressures resulting from – and the effects of – maritime activities. This included the sampling of microplastic particles and mesoplastics in coastal areas and on the surface of the ocean, detecting non-indigenous species and determining the status of commercially exploited fish. A survey of the ocean floor was also conducted.

The information obtained through monitoring was fed into the decision support system to develop MSP pilot plans. The knowledge gained will be used to improve the environmental impact assessment of the region. 

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Setting the basis for Sustainable Maritime Spatial Planning in Macaronesia” is EUR 1 216 885, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 034 352 through the “INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal MAC” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Environment and resource efficiency”.