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Modernisation of railway line speeds up journey times and increases capacity on major transport route

  • 22 April 2013

Multi-million euro investment package sees major improvements to a 116 km stretch of railway track in Hungary that runs alongside the Austrian border.

The EUR 198 million project, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, involved the upgrade of the Hungarian section of the strategically important single track Vienna to Graz railway line, which is designated as a trans-European transport corridor.

The improvements were made to the railway line between the Hungarian cites of Sopron, Szombathely and Szentgotthárd.  The upgrade, which involved the installation of a new modern signalling system, means that previous speed limits of between 60 and 80 km/h have been increased to 120 km/h and the track between Szombathely and Szentgotthárd has been electrified. 

Regional economy expected to benefit from improvements

The project also saw the construction of a railway flyover at Szombathely and an underpass in Sopron.  In addition, a number of platforms were constructed at stations along the route and four sidings were built or extended to 750 metres for the benefit of international cargo trains.  Level crossings along the route were fitted with safety equipment and two level crossings in urban areas were completely replaced.  The project also saw the commissioning of four new, air-conditioned electric passenger trains.  Improvements to the track will allow higher load bearings, and this will benefit cargo trains.

Benefits of the investment include reduction in travel times for passengers and freight trains, improved safety and reductions to air pollution and noise.  The project is also expected to increase regional accessibility, social mobility and tourism and to help develop the regional economy.  It is also hoped that the improvements will motivate passengers to use public transport.  The installation of 55 cm high platforms are, for example, expected to make it easier for the elderly and disabled to use train services.

GYSEV Chairman Ilona Dávid said that passenger numbers had risen by between 20 % and 26 % since the introduction of the faster and safer train services on the route.

Total and EU funding

The “Modernisation of the railway system between Sopron-Szombathely-Szentgotthárd” project had a total cost of EUR 198 024 440, of which the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributed EUR 168 320 774 through the “Transport” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period. The national contribution will be EUR 15 203 666 and the beneficiary’s contribution was EUR 14 500 000.