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Interreg-funded sports projects boost health and social ties in the Serbia-Bulgaria border region

  • 31 January 2022

The Bulgaria-Serbia Interreg cooperation programme funded a host of projects that gave young people in the cross-border area the chance to play sport, learn new skills and acquire healthy habits. Four of these projects resulted in the renovation of sports facilities and training camps – including for children with disabilities – and supplied equipment.

“Our biggest goal is to ensure young people have equal opportunities and a chance to live a healthy lifestyle by acquiring healthy sports habits.”

Aneliya Aleksandrova, Joint Secretariat Communication Officer

Unhealthy diets and too little physical activity are problems facing children worldwide. They can lead to problems later in adulthood, including diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

In the Serbia-Bulgaria cross-border area, the problem is compounded by lack of recreational and sports facilities and the poor condition of existing facilities. The aim of these projects was to develop cross-border cooperation, build youth communities and encourage young people’s interest in sport.

The projects were based on the understanding that healthy, fit children are more resilient, happier and productive. Team sports can contribute to building friendships and encourage mutual understanding and respect.

To encourage social connections, one project, in the towns of Boljevac, Serbia  and Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria organised “Be Healthy” campaigns and a joint seminar for parents on the benefit of sport. The sports hall in Boljevac and sports facilities at the Peter Parchevich Primary School in Chiprovtsi were modernised. Research was conducted on sport in young people’s lives, and web-based and other communication platforms were set up on social media.

Overall, this project encouraged dialogue between participants from both sides of the border, improved  participants’ health and increased their motivation for self-development.

Sport for skills

The second project focused on sport for skills development and entrepreneurship in the municipalities of Botevgrad, Bulgaria, and Leskovac, Serbia. On the Bulgarian side, the Balcan sports hall was renovated. The Botevgrad arena and the Leskovac recreational centre received new equipment, including a basketball shooting machine for the latter.

A joint training programme for acquiring sport and entrepreneurial skills was established, along with a web-based platform for monitoring educational and training development. Training camps, tournaments and career development sessions were held in Botevgrad and Leskovac. Project participants visited the International Business School in Sofia.

Overcoming disabilities

The third project was aimed at young people in Pernik, Bulgaria with motor and visual disorders, schoolchildren with spinal disorders, flat foot and unemployed youths. In the Serbian city of Niš, the work focused on young people with disabilities including cerebral palsy, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and amputations.

An adapted physical activity and sports – youths for youths (Apasy) network was established and a methology and training were developed for disabled children, with a focus on swimming, functional training and cardio fitness. Children received lessons in all three sports.

Getting schools involved

The fourth project focused on the role of schools in encouraging young people to adopt healthy habits. The target groups were pupils and teachers in the town of Kyustendil, Bulgaria, and Niš. The overall aim was to develop links between schools in the region while improving children’s health.

The work done included a survey of 400 respondents and supplying sports equipment to six schools. Eight  video training lessons for pupils were produced, broadcast on social media. A total of 40 demonstration lessons were held for 600 participants.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the projects “We invest in sport for career development of young people – the motive power of smart growth and cohesion between the Municipalities of Botevgrad and Leskovac”; “Adapted physical activity and sports - Youths for Youths”; “Youth network for sport and health” and “The school - a place where we support young people for a healthy lifestyle” is EUR 1 001 912, with the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II contributing EUR 851 626 through the “IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia Interreg” Cooperation Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investments fall under the priority “Youth”.