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How biodiversity benefits local communities

  • 12 August 2015

The reconstruction and protection of wetlands in Comana Nature Park – part of the EU’s Natura 2000 network – has helped boost biodiversity and bring more visitors to this beautiful corner of Romania.

This project has helped to raise awareness among local communities, the younger generation, tourists, local authorities and NGOs. The ecological reconstruction of the Comana Wetlands has begun to attract more tourists, especially during weekends, and this will lead to sustainable economic benefits. New hotels, restaurants, pottery workshops and a Paper Mill workshop museum have been set up. There are also now attractions, such as Comana House.

Project manager Daniela Peicea from the Directorate for Interregional Cooperation, Strategies and Projects at Giurgiu County Council

The project sought to increase the water surface in a region of the park in order to attract more species of birds. To accomplish this, a dam on the Neajlov River, downstream of Comana Lake, was built, to ensure that a constant level of water in the floodplain could be maintained. A system to evaluate the evolution of the environment and wildlife in this wetland was also put in place – the first comprehensive monitoring system for bird species in the region.

Local employment opportunities

Some 20 temporary jobs were created during the construction of the dam, with more permanent economic benefits expected through the promotion of an area ideal for ecological research. Cooperation with scientific institutions in the nearby capital Bucharest and other Romanian cities is foreseen.

Sustainable tourism

The reconstruction of the wetlands has already led to an increase in visitor numbers, and created an opportunity for new tourist amenities to be developed. Approximately 10 000 tourists visit the protected site every year, engaging in a range of activities including camping, nature walks, jogging and cycling. The site is also popular for educational excursions.

Their success of the project has shown the local community that environmental protection and the promotion of biodiversity can be hugely beneficial to the local economy.

Boosting biodiversity

In environmental terms, the project has been a success. There are now 212 recorded species of birds, whereas before, there were 157. Most importantly, 78 of these species are protected at national and European level. There has also been a recorded increase in the population size of these species.

The new conditions have also benefited fish populations and their invertebrate prey thanks to improved oxygen concentrations.

Achieving a constant level of water in the floodplain area will have a positive long term effect on wildlife. New feeding sites for species of ducks and herons in areas previously occupied by reeds have been established, while existing nesting places have been maintained.

Project manager Daniela Peicea is confident that the project’s success will benefit wildlife and the local community for years to come.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Ecological Restoration of Comana Wetlands” is EUR 1 344 845, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 854 208 from the “Environment” Operational Programme for the 2007- 2013 programming period.