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A bright future in the Pyrenees for unaccompanied minors

  • 23 June 2021

Young immigrants arriving in Europe are getting a chance of a better life, while helping to revitalise the economies of rural areas, with the help of organisations from the regions of Haute Garonne, Ariège, Pyréneés-Orientales and Hautes-Pyrénées in France and Barcelona and Lleida in Spain. Many of these motivated individuals are already showing how valuable they can be to local businesses.

“The POCTEFA area has an ageing population and a high rate of inactivity. At the same time, we see an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors in search of a better future. Motivated, responsible and committed, they represent a real opportunity for the development and revitalisation of this territory.”

Graziella Filoni, director, Association des Chambres de Métiers des Pyrénées

The AVENIR project provides job opportunities for young, unaccompanied immigrants to both countries. This brings motivated people into the cross-border region – much of which is rural and mountainous and has industries that need workers.

The project is focused on unaccompanied minors who have been separated from their legal guardians, either before their journey to Europe or during it. The participating organisations include governmental departments, training centres and social services.

Incentivising and empowering

Whatever their nationality, these immigrants are taken into care by child welfare services, which arrange for their lodging, education, and training. Once they have graduated and their residency in their adopted country is guaranteed, they tend to move to cities like Toulouse and Barcelona as there are more opportunities there, professionally, and socially.

However, many rural areas – the communities around the Pyrenees being no exception – have aging populations and business opportunities in sectors including tourism and food and catering. This situation is common to both France and Spain.

AVENIR, which launched in 2019, aims to give these young people a reason to settle permanently in the French, Spanish and Andorran cross-border area.

Looking to the future

The project integrates young migrants into local communities, both socially and professionally and, in doing so, allows them to become self-sufficient. They learn new skills as apprentices in occupations like construction and renovation, or hospitality and food services.

One participant is a young man from Mali. He crossed from Morocco into Spain, where he found himself in a camp and was relocated to France. He was taken in by child welfare services. After receiving training, he is now working as a chef.

The Tremp centre in Catalonia, Spain, opened in March 2020 as part of AVENIR’s activities. It has enabled over a dozen youngsters to experience the benefits that come with living in the area. They learn the language, discover the trades that the region offers and can apply for a driving licence.

Many have already found a job in the city's maintenance services, or in Catalonia’s food companies. Some are now living in independent housing in Tremp.

The project has contributed to co-financing employment for around 25 people in France and Spain. It  schedules regular outdoor activities for young people, such as rafting and skiing. 

By teaching resourceful young people new skills and introducing them to other like-minded people, AVENIR offers young migrants a bright future and provides new opportunities for Pyrenees communities.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “AVENIR” is EUR 1 028 395, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 668 457 through the “Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA)” Cooperation Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “promoting sustainable employment, labour mobility and social inclusion”.