
Projects Database

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New emergency hospital for Romania’s North-East region

A new emergency hospital to serve the North-East region of Romania is to be built in Iași and equipped with modern medical technologies. The seven-storey, 148 885 m² complex will have 850 beds, of which 764 will be for acute inpatient care and 86 for critical care, including in the intensive care, paediatric intensive care and burns units.

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Public transport and cycle paths contribute to cleaner air in northern Opolskie, Poland

An EU-funded project has taken steps to reduce pollution, particularly carbon emissions, from transport in the north of the Opolskie region in south-western Poland. Implemented in the counties of Kluczbork, Olesno and Namysłów, the project has modernised infrastructure to provide clean, safe and efficient public transport, and paths for cyclists and pedestrians. It is estimated that the improvements will lower greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of almost 70 tonnes of CO2 a year.

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New Polish research centre seeks to replace antibiotics with probiotics in poultry farming

With the help of EU funds, Polish research company Ladrob has constructed a modern scientific research centre with microbiological laboratories in the Opole region, in south-western Poland. Ladrob specialises in diagnosing poultry diseases and developing probiotic-based products to replace antibiotics to treat these. This means healthier birds and a healthier source of protein for humans.

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Collaboration to create new public digital infrastructure developed in the Netherlands

Solving complex problems related to issues like hunger, climate change, social security or public safety requires collaboration. Launched in Groningen, in the Netherlands, the Odyssey project (originally called Blockchain Hackaton Innovatie Programma) brings together public authorities, NGOs, corporates, start-ups and legal, ethical and technology experts to explore how new technologies can be used to respond to such challenges. The aim is to create new digital commons: public digital infrastructure – like the e-mail protocol – which will allow the development of operating systems that could change how society is organised.

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Transport upgrades ensure a cleaner environment in Alba Iulia, Romania

Better infrastructure for public transport, pedestrians and cyclists is promoting sustainable urban mobility in Alba Iulia, in the Centre region of Romania. Based on a municipal plan, the project aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions from motorised road transport in the area by 3.5 %, enhancing residents’ quality of life. In all, 14.5 km of footpath, 8.5 km of public transport lane are being upgraded, 9.5 km of cycle path are being laid and a bike-sharing system is under development.

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Bone substitute developed in Poland is ready for the European market

A revolutionary bone substitute that has already saved at least one accident victim from a leg amputation has obtained CE certification, allowing it to be commercialised in the EU. The clinical trials which made this possible were financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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Improved rail connections around Catanzaro, southern Italy

The second phase of a project to improve rail connections between the city centre of Catanzaro – capital of the province of the same name and of the southern Italian region of Calabria – and the district of Germaneto, on the western outskirts of the city has been launched with EU funding.
