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Creating modern knowledge hubs

The public libraries in Olsztyn, Poland, and Marijampole, Lithuania, each opened an innovative multimedia centre offering a broad range of individual and group courses to children and adults. Besides teaching new skills in a cheerful and dynamic learning environment, the centres have lured more visitors to the libraries themselves.

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Ashfield training centre overcomes skills shortages

Providing training relevant to the local job market is one way in which the Ashfield Skills Centre is boosting employability in a region hit by the demise of the coalmining and hosiery industries. By working alongside employers, the centre proactively seeks to overcome skills shortages through high quality vocational courses.

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Involving the community in neighbourhood renewal

Duisburg-Marxloh is one of the exemplary cases of integrated urban regeneration and development in deprived neighbourhoods which started with URBAN I and combines various activities, stakeholders and sources of financial support within an area-based approach. Based on community involvement, the practice clearly shows the effects of a long-term integrated strategy and confirms the urban dimension as crucial.

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Bialystok city in tune with opera and orchestra

With a culturally diverse population and located at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, the region of Podlaskie and its newly constructed European Art Centre in central Bialystok will soon be playing host to spectacular music and artistic events.

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HyTrEc: a unified hydrogen strategy for the North Baltic Sea Region

The HyTrEc project brought together representatives from industry, academia, government, funding bodies and SMEs to support the collaborative development of strategic hydrogen initiatives. In this role, it informed and shaped the development of infrastructure, technology, skills and financial instruments needed to implement hydrogen-based technologies across the North Sea Region. 

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Deutsch-Türkisches Wirtschaftszentrum Mannheim (dtw) - German-Turkish Business Centre Mannheim

The aim of the German-Turkish Business Centre (or using the German acronym, dtw) was to support business start-ups by entrepreneurs of Turkish origin and make the projects more sustainable with advice tailored to the requirements of this target group. This was intended to strengthen the “ethnic economy” in Mannheim and improve the economic integration of the target group over the long-term. The project received financial support from the ERDF and ESF from 2002 to 2006.

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Life Sciences Centre in Lithuania provides exciting opportunities for students and researchers

Thanks to an EU-funded project, Vilnius University has been able to build a state-of-the-art centre for education and training in life sciences, together with advanced research in biochemistry and related fields. The Life Sciences Centre (LSC) provides world-class facilities for around 1 000 students including more than 110 PhD students, alongside some 200 PhD degree researchers. By actively promoting collaboration with industry and supporting new biotechnology companies, the LSC is also helping to drive the economic future of Lithuania and the whole Baltic region.

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House of Nature creates an ideal environment for researchers and students

The University of Latvia has established a modern academic centre with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for students and researchers. As part of this ambitious plan, the university has built the ‘House of Nature’, which provides a new home for the faculties of biology, chemistry, and geography and earth sciences.

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Nanoscience and technology take the limelight in Slovenia

Innovation pushes ahead in Slovenia as researchers come together from the public and private sector to form a centre of excellence in nanoscience and nanotechnology (CE NS&NT). The centre boasts top level facilities that enable researchers to achieve optimum results for specific projects chosen in collaboration with local businesses. So far, six research institutes and as many as 26 businesses work with the centre.

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