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Information for applicants Advisory tool for the Outermost Regions
Information for applicants

The outermost regions advisory tool’s call for expression of interest is now open. Learn how to apply for individualised, tailored advisory services.

Call for Expressions of Interest

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) invites all outermost regions’ authorities, organisations and economic operators to apply for advisory services to support you in shaping regional development plans, improving administrative capacity and benefiting from EU tools funds and programmes (under direct, indirect, or shared management), as well as national or international tools, funds and programmes.

You can express interest in receiving advisory services in any of the categories of services listed in the catalogue of services. Successful applications must demonstrate relevance and alignment with outermost regions’ priorities, regional development strategies or action plans; clearly describe the problems or needs to be addressed and the advisory service(s) requested. Organisational and impact aspects will also be highly valued in your applications.

Who can apply?

The call is open to any regional authority, organisation or entity based in one of the outermost regions of the EU, and with potential to become beneficiaries of EU, national or international programmes and funds. As such, a wide range of stakeholders can be eligible. These include – but are not limited to – regional public authorities, organisations that are either responsible for or involved in the funding and/or implementation of a policy or programme/fund of a region, regionalbusiness organisations, Universities, research centres, companies (including SMEs), and other economic operators. 

The outermost regions – whose stakeholders can benefit from these services - are Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint-Martin from France, the Azores and Madeira from Portugal and the Canary Islands from Spain. Please note that expressions of interest can be submitted as individual applications or submissions by a group of entities in the same outermost region or from various outermost regions.

Timeline for submission

The deadline has been extended and the call will be open until 29 February 2024.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. We encourage you to apply from the earliest stages of the process to maximize your (potential) chances of obtaining support from the advisory tool.

How to apply

Entities expressing their interest to receive any of the services in the catalogue should submit their applications via email to either in French, Portuguese, Spanish or English.

Download the Information Package for Applicants and the application form

If you are interested in submitting an application, please read carefully the Information Package for Applicants. The Application Form, a concept note template, and different administrative documents that needs to be filled in and submitted by stakeholders are also available for download below.