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More homogeneous development of e-mobility in the Alps

  • 02 November 2018

The e-MOTICON project aims to support public administrations in Alpine regions to ensure more homogeneous development of e-mobility, by facilitating widespread diffusion and increased interoperability of public access of charging stations for electric vehicles. To this end, it is formulating a transnational strategy combining spatial planning, innovative business models and technologies, sustainable mobility patterns and energy efficiency instruments and policies.

We think that the e-MOTICON project will help us to achieve environmental goals, promoting the diffusion of e-vehicles in Slovenia, for example to reach up to 70 % of e-vehicles in public fleets.

Matjaž Vrčko, e-MOTICON observer, Slovene Ministry of Infrastructure

The strategy elaborated under the project will support public administrations in the transnational ‘Alpine Space’ area in the deployment of a homogeneous, interoperable and easy-to-use Alpine-wide network of electric charging stations, backed by provision of user-friendly information.

It will also enhance cross-border cooperation between public administrations with regard to planning of electric charging infrastructure and foster an integrated approach to development of e-mobility. This should increase the public sector’s ability to work with the private sector on infrastructural planning.

Limited e-mobility deployment

While many Alpine communities have invested in e-mobility as a way of making transport more sustainable and cutting CO2 emissions, its use in the region remains limited. Along with the high cost of electric vehicles, reasons for this include a lack of transnational mapping tools and operational strategies, which leads to varying availability of charging stations. Indeed, numbers of stations range from 15 per million inhabitants in some areas to 235 per million in others, while electric vehicle numbers vary from 70 to 470 per million inhabitants.

A key element in fostering e-mobility is the integration of planning of related infrastructure with functional, spatial and energy efficiency planning. However, many public administrations lack awareness of the need for integrated planning and of the most innovative technologies and business models in the field. Moreover, they often take an approach that is solely local in scope, all of which leads to interoperability problems, one of the main barriers to e-mobility diffusion.

Increasing low-carbon transport options

e-MOTICON is collecting data and elaborating scenarios to increase e-mobility knowledge and understanding of obstacles to long-term planning. To support its strategy, it will also apply information gathered on citizens’ awareness and acceptance of new technologies and end-user interaction schemes.

Following analysis of policies, business models and technological solutions, the partners are drafting a white paper on electric-charging station planning in line with requirements laid down in transnational and regional action plans. They are also putting together a toolkit to identify network requirements and testing it in three pilot actions.In addition, creation under the project of a transnational community comprising representatives of industry, research, regional agencies, end users and public transport is building planning and cooperation capacity within public administrations and strengthening consensus to the benefit of all transport users.

Based on best interoperability practices and a European roaming framework, the e-MOTICON strategy will lead to adoption of innovative planning instruments for installation of interoperable charging infrastructure throughout the Alpine region. These instruments can also be applied to increase low-carbon transport options elsewhere in the EU.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “e-MOTICON - e-mobility transnational strategy for an interoperable community and networking in the Alpine Space” is EUR 2 085 556, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 772 722 through the “Alpine Space” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.