EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

CHORIZO food loss and waste Datahub & "Insighter" Status Report v1.0

  • Uploaded on Monday 27 of May 2024
  • Author(s) Capwell Forbang Echo

This first version of the CHORIZO FLW Datahub and "Insighter" Status Report provides an overview of the inventory of 585 resources found in the CHORIZO project. The CHORIZO food loss and waste Datahub and "Insighter" has been developed to store the results of (1) an evidence-based analysis of previous and ongoing food loss and waste actions, (2) new empirical work on the role of social norms in food waste generation in various contexts. The Datahub hence contains valuable information for consumers, food and governance organizations as well as charities (such as food banks) who are interested in fighting FW effectively.

 A summary description, where applicable of each resource or dataset stored is provided in the status report, with links to the CHORIZO dynamic and interactive data application progamming interface (API) documentation site. A static version of the  API documentation can also be found in the appendix of the status report.

Name of organisation : CHORIZO PROJECT

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-05-22


CHORIZO FLW Datahub & "Insighter" Status Report v1.0

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