EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Good practices for sustainable food systems in a circular economy perspective

  • Uploaded on Monday 27 of May 2024
  • Author(s) Municipality of Halandri, Consorcio EDER, Business Upper Austria, Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ADRVEST, NFCSO, Nemzeti lelmiszerlancbiztonsagi Hivatal, Hokram, Hokram Foodservice A/S and FEBEA, under the coordination of ACR+. Editing and layout by Greenovate!Europe.

A total of 25 good practices for Sustainable Food Systems were identified during desk research organised by FOODRUS project partners throughout 2022-2023. These good practices cover initiatives led in 15 European countries and one initiative from the USA.

While some initiatives act at local level, others have spread within the country or beyond the national borders into neighbouring countries and sometimes, throughout the world. These initiatives have been classified based on the actors that initiated them i.e., businesses, communities, non-profits, and public administrations, and cover a wide range of actions such as teaching practices, food waste collection and donations activities, reuse of food waste or local food policies. 

In this resource, for each of the good practices, a 5-10 pages document contains the information regarding the initial challenge(s) faced by the instigators, the concept of the good practice, the tool itself, the actors involved in the implementation of the practice, the regulations surrounding the practice, the geographic coverage, the impacts of the implementation, the barriers to the implementation and the winning aspects of the practice. Similar practices identified in other territories are also listed at the end of the documents.

The description of the good practice therefore allows the reader to easily grasp the concept and provide a general overview of the practices and its implementation. For replication purposes, the readers are welcome to contact the organisations and actors that developed these initiatives using the contact details provided at the end of the documents.

Name of organisation : FOODRUS project

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-04-23


Good practices for Sustainable Food Systems
(Good practices for Sustainable Food Systems in a circular economy perspective.pdf - 76760KB)
