EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

IFWC updates food waste methodology on measurement for the catering sector

  • Uploaded on Thursday 29 of February 2024
  • Author(s) International food waste coalition

IFWC is thrilled to announce the release of its updated food waste measurement and reporting methodology tailored specifically for the contract catering sector. 
The IFWC methodology for measuring and reporting food waste (FW) aligns with the core principles of the UNEP Food Waste Index, which supports UN SGD 12.3, and complies with the measurement methodology and minimum quality standards of the European Union.
This methodology ensures consistent definitions, scope, and metrics. The only deviation from the EU scope is the inclusion of soup wastage in our food waste definition and reporting. While this may differ slightly from the EU definition, IFWC aims to promote a more inclusive approach to food waste by encompassing soups in our measurement scope. 
This updated methodology will be used to assess the 2023 data, with data collection underway for over 5,000 sites. The comprehensive report is expected to be released in March.

Name of organisation : International Food Waste Coialition

Contact email: stephane.leroux@international food waste coalition

Date of publication: 2024-02-19


Food waste methodology - contract catering
(IFWC methodology contract catering Final - 2024.pdf - 454KB)

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