EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Norway: reducing food waste in the whole value chain

  • Uploaded on Friday 26 of January 2024
  • Author(s) Anne Marie Schrøder and Marie Kleppe

In Norway minimum 450,000 tons of food is discarded annually. This waste is distributed between the food industry (48 %) and consumers (52 %), resulting in 75 kilos per person wasted totally each year, emphasizing the need for comprehensive solutions for economic, environmental, and resource efficiency.

"The Negotiated Agreement on Food Waste Reduction", between the Norwegian Government and the food industry, commits to halve edible food waste in Norway by 2030, positioning food waste reduction at the forefront of political, private, and public agendas. Recognizing the unsustainability and inefficiency of food waste in terms of global resource utilization, the agreement outlines a systematic approach across the entire value chain for food. Businesses commit to reduction targets and facilitating consumer waste reduction. Coordination falls under the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, responsible for joint reporting of results in 2020, 2025, and 2030. With 132 actors from the food industry, retailers, and hospitality sectors already committed, the agreement reflects a broad acknowledgment of the issue. 

"KuttMatsvinn Servering," a collaboration between Matvett and the food service industry, aims to halve food waste by 2030, aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals and Norway's framework, The Negotiated Agreement on Food Waste Reduction. Building on the success of the KuttMatsvinn2020 project, Matvett continues to assist the industry with tools for measurement, employee training, and forums for sharing experiences.

The Norwegian food industry's commitment to reducing waste dates back to 2010, initially through the ForMat project and later via Matvett's initiatives. Collaborating with the government, these efforts yielded a 14 % reduction in food waste from 2010 to 2015 and an additional 12 % from 2015 to 2019. Beyond tangible results, the initiatives increased awareness across the value chain for food and positioned food waste prominently on the national agenda. Matvett continues its role in monitoring and facilitating waste reduction measures in the food industry, grocery trade, catering sector and consumers.

Name of organisation : Matvett SA

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Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-01-26


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