EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Over 1660 eating places are part of Matvetts food waste reduction collaboration

  • Uploaded on Friday 26 of January 2024
  • Author(s) Anne Marie Schrøder and Marie Kleppe

Building on the success of the KuttMatsvinn2020 project, which achieved a 15 % reduction in edible food waste across 2500 establishments, resulting in savings of 24 million NOK and 1400 tons of CO2, Matvett continues to assist the industry with tools for measurement, employee training, and forums for sharing experiences. So far, the participants represent over 1660 eating places.

Participants in "KuttMatsvinn Servering" have access to tools in for effective food waste reduction. The toolkit includes measurement and reporting tools, employee training resources, a graphic profile for communication, best practice examples, and forums for exchange. An online e-learning course, "Reducing Food Waste: Strategies and Implementation," offers insights, practical examples, and guidance. Over 250 employees received diplomas in 2023 for completing the course.

User-friendly Excel sheets enable easy measurement and registration of food waste, accompanied by a detailed guide on safe reuse of food. Informative materials like posters and communication guides raise awareness among staff, inspiring active participation in the fight against food waste. Matvett's mobile game, "KuttMatsvinn Servering," available on the Attensi Skills app, enhances learning and engagement.

Matvett's Toolbox provides a comprehensive collection of resources, guidance, and best practices to help businesses reduce food waste. It offers practical tips and tools tailored to specific sectors within the food industry. From guidance for monitoring, -for getting started, and -for reuse of surplus food, the Toolbox equips businesses with actionable strategies to combat food waste effectively. Most of the tools are translated into English to help the growing multicultural service industry. Matvett's communication concept engages guests, promoting sustainable choices like ordering smaller portions, selecting preferred side dishes, and taking leftovers home in a Goodiebag.

Name of organisation : Matvett SA

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-01-26


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