EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

New Study: Direct Measurement of Mass and Economic Persimmon Losses in Spain

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 04 of October 2023
  • Author(s) Maria-Angeles Fernandez-Zamudio, Héctor Barco, Felicitas Schneider

Globally, one in every three produced kilograms is wasted at some point along the entire agri-food chain. Unfortunately, knowledge about losses and waste is not equally distributed along the food chain. In fact, in some stages the primary data required to properly estimate the magnitude of the problem are lacking. This is especially true for agricultural production, for which studies that have used on-site measurements are scarce. The present study analyses the mass losses and unpaid share that occur during the harvest process and persimmon storage in warehouses in the Valencia region, Spain. The study was carried out using on-site measurements and primary data from the harvest and storage phases. Losses were also classified according to their causes. The total mass and economic losses were estimated as either 29.5% for the total produced volume or 38.5% for the number of finally commercialised kilograms. This work aims to highlight the complex problem in
primary production with the mass and economic losses that farmers bear and to show the potential of loss reduction measures.

Name of organisation : Centro para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura Sostenible, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias; Enraíza Derechos; Thünen Institute of Market Analysis

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Date of publication: 2020-11-25

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