EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

FOODRUS e-learning course: Learn, engage, and make a difference to stop food waste!

  • Uploaded on Friday 07 of July 2023
  • Author(s) Geonardo Environmental Technologies

Designed to empower individuals and communities, this online course developed by the EU-funded project FOODRUS offers valuable insights and practical strategies to tackle food waste and loss across various stages of the food value chain. With eight thematic modules and a separate learning repository, participants will have the opportunity to explore new ways of avoiding food waste and creating a more sustainable food system.

The learning modules are the following:

  • Module 1 – Concepts on Food Loss & Food Waste Reduction and Prevention in Europe
  • Module 2 – The Role of Certification in Food Loss Reduction and Prevention
  • Module 3 – Last Mile Logistics Network for Food Losses & Waste Prevention
  • Module 4 – Handbook on Living Labs and Citizen Science for Tackling Food Waste & Loss
  • Module 5 – The Good Food Toolkit: Sustainable Food Consumption and Guidelines
  • Module 6 – Food Waste Management Tools: The Pay as You Throw System and Other Financial Instruments
  • Module 7 – Junior Food Waste Heroes
  • Module 8 – Zero Waste Bread Cookbook: Traditional and Modern Bread Recipes to Avoid Bread Waste
To highlight the historical and social aspects of the bread value chain, focusing on the issue of bread waste. Participants gain insights into the causes and solutions associated with bread waste, while exploring traditional and modern bread recipes that help minimize waste.

Completely free of charge, the FOODRUS’s e-learning course is a comprehensive resource that empowers individuals and communities to combat food waste and loss. By implementing the strategies learned in this course, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable and waste-free future!

What are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW!

Name of organisation : FOODRUS

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2023-06-01


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