EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Consultation report under the LIFE FOODprint project

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 05 of April 2023
  • Author(s) Sara Mariza Vryonidi, Project Coordinator at Friends of the Earth Cyprus

Food Waste Stakeholders Summit took place on October 27th, 2022, in Limassol, Cyprus, and was organised and facilitated by Friends of the Earth Cyprus.
Initially, the project LIFE FOODprint was presented by the project partners. All stakeholders had the chance to get familiar with the project team, the background and objectives, the groups targeted, and the actions and impact. 

The event consisted of four parts, in the first part experts on food waste and donation on EU Level were invited to present to the audience EU actions to prevent food loss and to facilitate food donation. In the second part we invited experts of national level to present actions at the member-state level. The third part consisted of the Food Waste Interactive Compost Workshop, presented by the Environmental Health Officer of the Municipality of Yermasoyia, Timotheos Misseris. 
The final part of the event was the local stakeholder’s workshop «Taking the next step to reduce food waste,» facilitated by Friends of Earth, Cyprus. The report consists of individual recommendations, but an important part is the stakeholders' recommendations for policy-makers. The recommendations could be used by other countries that are in a similar situation as Cyprus.

Name of organisation : Friends of the Earth Cyprus

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Further information:


Consultation Report
(FOODprint Report_final_encrypted.pdf - 1090KB)

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