EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Tips and recipes that save the planet

  • Uploaded on Monday 23 of January 2023
  • Author(s) United Against Waste

The United Against Waste Movement offers a book that helps fight food waste in our homes by allowing us to select recipes that use a particular foodstuff. In this way, not only can we quickly and easily find a solution to use that leftover ingredient, thus avoiding waste, but we can also discover simple and tasty recipes. 

In this book we can also find tips that contribute to circularity and the reduction of waste produced at home. There are recipes that use parts of food that we don't normally use in our diet (for example, vegetable peelings), or tips on how to make use of by-products (such as olive oil from canned food), or tips for better fridge storage, or even ideas on how to reuse packaging, preventing it from being thrown away.

Name of organisation : UNIDOS CONTRA O DESPERDÍCIO

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Date of publication: 2022-09-29


Book against waste

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