EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Pre-slaughter losses of pork, beef, and milk on the farm

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 30 of November 2022
  • Author(s) Karin Lindow, Arne Andersson

Pre-slaughter losses of beef was 13 000 tonnes in 2020. This corresponds to over 8 percent of the total beef production, calculated in slaughter weight and lost
weight. Beef losses are largest among dairy breeds, especially dairy cows and their calves. Losses of pork were more than 7 000 tonnes, which is about 3 percent of the total pig production. Losses of cattle and pigs at transport to slaughter house and rejections at slaughter were very small compared to the losses at farm. The loss of milk
at farm was 11 000 tonnes and corresponds to 0.4 percent of the total milk production.

The losses of beef, pork and milk at swedish farms result in significant greenhouse gas emissions, a total of approximately 330 000 tonnes. It corresponds to
9 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions from animal husbandry in Sweden. For beef and pork, the losses make up almost 6 percent of the production value in 2020. Losses at farm cannot be reduced to zero but the report suggests several areas to put more focus on. The report is part of the Swedish national follow up on food losses covering eight commodities in total.

Name of organisation : Swedish Board of Agriculture

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2022-10-22


Pre-slaughter losses of pork, beef and milk on the farm
(2208171142-Forluster-animalier-gard-resp.-slakteri_Webb.pdf - 1347KB)

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