EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

FareShare celebrates companies fighting food waste with new recognition scheme

  • Uploaded on Friday 04 of February 2022
  • Author(s) European Food Banks Federation

FareShare, our Member and the UK’s largest food redistribution charity, has launched a new scheme to recognise food businesses in the supply chain which consistently divert their edible surplus food to charities and community groups.

The scheme celebrates the companies achieving the ‘gold standard’ in fighting food waste. Over 100 UK food businesses, including Tesco and Cranswick, are to be awarded Leading Food Partner badges, in recognition of their efforts to tackle food waste within their operations.

We value each and every one of our food partners, but the Leading Food Partner badge recognises businesses who have achieved the gold standard when it comes to fighting food waste within their operations – those who are consistently getting surplus food to good causes, and taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint,” says Lindsay Boswell, CEO at FareShare.

Learn more here.

Name of organisation : European Food Banks Federation

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